Saturday, 14 September 2013

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Ziauddin University

Admissions in B.E Biomedical Enginnering

  • Forms & prospectus are available at City Campus: F-103, Block B, North Nazimabad Karachi.
  • Last date of submission of forms is November 01, 2013
  • For further info, visit
  • Tel: 021-36648237-9

Islamabad Medical & Dental College

Admissions in MBBS & BDS Session 2014

Admission Schedule

  • Application forms can be downloaded from                             &
  • Last date of submission of application is Saturday, 28th September, 2013
  • Test will be conducted by NTS on Sunday, 13th Octuber, 2013
  • The Centres of test are; Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta & Multan.

Admission Cell

Location: 17 Mile, Mian Murree Road, Bhara Kahu, Islamabad.
Tel: 051-2807201-03
Mob: 0315-5008805

Admissions in Dow University of Health Sciences DUHS


  • The Prospectus & Admission forms can be obtained from 9th September 2013 at following UBL brances; Babae Urdu Road, Drig Road township, Main Rashid Minhas Road, Civic Centre (Gulshan-e-Iqbal) & Gulshan-e-Zubaida (North Nazimabad).
  • The application form should be submitted in the same branch.
  • Only the Attested Copies of the required documents wil be accepted with the forms.
  • Last date of submission of application form is 23rd September 2013.
  • Test will be conducted by NTS on 6th of Octuber, 2013.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Ziauddin Medical College Results/Interviews

Ziauddin Medical College has announved Results & Interviews for batch 2013
The links for Short Listed Candidates of different programs are as follows:

Pharm D

BDS Interviews

BS-College of Speak Language & Hearing Science

MBBS Interviews Batch-1 (Roll# 0001-0375) 

Baqai Medical College BDS Result

For Baqai Medical college BDS Short Listed Result, click here

Monday, 2 September 2013

Aziz Fatimah Medical & Dental College, Faisalabad

Admission Process

The selection process comprises of an entry test of UHS (MCAT), entry test of Aziz Fatima Medical & Dental College Faisalabad and interview.MBBS Admission Slection CriteriaSelection Process

UHS Entry Test

This Test is conducted by University of Health Sciences Lahore basically for selection of candidates for admission into the public sector medical colleges of Punjab. Entry test of Federal Board and other provinces are accepted.


Merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in Matric, FSc (or equivalent Exams), UHS (MCAT) and entry test. Candidates short listed on the basis of merit will be called for interview, which will be conducted by a panel of experts. The purpose of the interview is to evaluate the personality of the applicant and the motivation level to become a doctor.

Confirmation of admission

Admission of the selected students will be confirmed only after they have deposited the college admission, tuition and other fees as prescribed, within specified days of announcement of the result. If a seat is not confirmed by due date, it will be offered to the next candidate on the waiting list.
Once a student is admitted in the college, his Matric, FSc and other certificates will be sent to the concerned Board / University / Institution for verification. If the documents are found incorrect the students will be expelled from the college and his / her fees / dues will not be refunded.

Filling the Application Form

Find out your unique Application Reference Number (ARN) from the college prospectus. ARN must be noticed for later use.
In application form the candidates must clearly mention their preference for MBBS.

Documents required

Documents required to be submitted at Admission office before receiving your entry test roll number are as under.

a)    Original Application Reference Number (ARN) {keep photocopy for your future use}
b)    3 x passport size color photographs (Latest).
c)    Attested photo copy of matriculation, FSc or equivalent qualification with IBCC Equivalent certificates.
d)    Attested photo copy of CNIC / Passport (for foreign students).
e)    Photo copy of CNIC of Father / Guardian / Passport (for foreign students).
f)    Copy of latest UHS entry test roll number slip (or Result).
g)    Domicile.
The applicant / Guardian will be required to sign declaration confirming that the information provided in the application form is correct.
After completion of admission process, the applicant will receive the ADMIT CARD bearing the applicant’s ENTRY TEST ROLL NUMBER for appearing in the entry test.

Contact Info

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Matric Certificates Have Been Issued, Karachi

Matric Certificates of batch 2011 have been issued from Matric Board on September 2, 2013. These certificates will be given to schools according to following schedule published in Jang News Paper. For more info, please see the article below or visit the link.